#ifndef _PYPY_H_
#define _PYPY_H_

/* This header is meant to be included in programs that use PyPy as an
   embedded library.

   NOTE: this is deprecated.  Instead, use cffi's embedding support:

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// call this first
void rpython_startup_code(void);

// pypy_init_threads has to be called in case you want to use threads
void pypy_init_threads(void);

/* Initialize the home directory of PyPy.  It is necessary to call this.

   Call it with "home" being the file name of the libpypy.so, for
   example; it will be used as a starting point when searching for the
   lib-python and lib_pypy directories.  They are searched from
   "home/..", "home/../..", etc.  Returns 0 if everything was fine.  If
   an error occurs, returns 1 and (if verbose != 0) prints some
   information to stderr.
int pypy_setup_home(char *home, int verbose);

/* If your program has multiple threads, then you need to call
   pypy_thread_attach() once in each other thread that just started
   and in which you want to run Python code (including via callbacks,
void pypy_thread_attach(void);

/* The main entry point: executes "source" as plain Python code.
   Returns 0 if everything was fine.  If a Python exception is
   uncaught, it is printed to stderr and 1 is returned.

   Usually, the Python code from "source" should use cffi to fill in
   global variables of "function pointer" type in your program.  Use
   cffi callbacks to do so.  Once it is done, there is no need to call
   pypy_execute_source() any more: from C, you call directly the
   functions (which are "callbacks" from the point of view of Python).
int pypy_execute_source(char *source);

/* a similar function, but inside Python code it'll register
   a magic argument c_argument as int, which will be passed as void* from C.
   Useful for passing pointers to arbitrary structs that contain callbacks
   to register */
int pypy_execute_source_ptr(char *source, void* ptr);

/* The 3.x versions of PyPy don't include the Windows pragma to
   automatically link python3?.lib.  This is apparently not commonly
   done on Windows anyway. */

#ifdef __cplusplus
